
Spiritual Counselling

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Basic Principles Of Signs And Houses

Basic Principles Of Signs And Houses


With the historical and background information safely behind us, we will now proceed with the core material of astrology - the study of the zodiac, the signs, the houses, planets, etc. - all of the influence of the universe upon our lives. You will recall that in Lesson One we compared the signs and houses to a clock. Since this is not always easy to understand at first, let's review it briefly.


Reviewing the Signs

The heavens were divided many centuries ago into twelve spheres of influence named after the constellations which happened to lie within them. This link with astronomy is quite interesting. However, all the astrologer must remember is the names and relative positions of the signs. The zodiac begins as the Sun does - in the East, at the horizon. If we face South, (we know the Sun although apparently overhead is South of us from the northern hemisphere) and look at the imaginary horizon, the Ascendant position is at 9:00 o'clock. At this exact horizon point, Aries is just about to appear. Aries, therefore, is the first sign. As Aries moves up to the 10:00 o'clock position, Taurus appears. As Taurus moves to 10:00 o'clock (and Aries to 11:00 o'clock) Gemini appears on the horizon. Next comes Cancer, etc. So you see that the twelve zodiacal signs are named as they appear in the Ascendant position on the horizon. (Remember this from Lesson I!) The reason for the repetition is because this must become "second nature" to you.) Conversely, the signs "disappear" in the West as they descend below the horizon. The 3:00 o'clock position is therefore referred to as the Descendant. If one were to watch any one point in the horizon clock, the signs would go by in procession every twelve hours. First Aries, then Taurus, etc. But we don't have time to watch this procession for twelve hours merely to get the order straight. For the sake of convenience, we "count" the signs counter clockwise.



To continue the previous analogy, the houses can best be imagined as the areas on the clock between the numbers. If you were, for example, to divide the 360 degree face of your clock into 12 equal "slices," you would have a "pie" consisting of 12 divisions with each piece consisting of 30 degrees. Now imagine that the numbers of the clock move instead of the hands; as 9:00 o'clock moves up into the 10:00 o'clock position, the slice between 9:00 and 10:00 remains as it was. Similarly, Aries and the other signs move up from their positions in the Ascendant to the next house. The houses are "counted" counter-clockwise, too, beginning with the house just below the horizon (between 8:00 and 9:00 o'clock). As Aries moves to the next house, Taurus moves from the second house to the first, and so on. Houses, then, are permanent sections (slices) of sky through which signs and planets move in a perpetual pattern since before man's existence. This method of measuring the Houses is known as the "Equal House Division" Method.


[To be Continued. Kindly Visit www.Astrointl.Blogspot.Com Daily For Further And Daily Study Material And To Read Latest Information On Astrology-Based On Latest Research And Technology. Thanks]


12,000 Visitors On www.AstroIntl.Blogspot.com From All Over the World. Daily Visit www.AstroIntl.BlogSpot.Com To Read Latest Information On Astrology-Based On Latest Research And Technology. May God Bless You With A Lot Of Prosperity And Pleasure. INTERNATIONAL ASTROLOGY NETWORK - A Network Of International Programs-Estd.1985-For Latest Information On Astrology-Based On Latest Research And Technology. Complete Analysis And Remedies Of Current Problems. Counseling Charges Rs.300 Only. Contact +91-186-2235088 [Between 3 PM-5 PM Only] For Details.


Surya Complex, Opp. Sukh Sadan Hospital, Dalhousie Road, Pathankot-145001-Punjab-India.

Telephones : Sms:0091-988-885-8077, Reception:0091-186-223-5088, Fax:0091-186-222-5077

Email : InternationalAstroNetwork@Gmail.Com

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Study Of Astrology-Vol-12

Study Of Astrology-Vol-12

Early Observations


The easiest method for us to discover the reason why ancient astrologers occupied such a respected position in even the earliest of civilizations, is to put ourselves in their places. For primitive man, the sky was lavished with marvelous and awesome wonders. We must make an effort to imagine the way of life of the days when men wandered in nomadic tribes over the expanse of the Near East and subsisted from the land around them. Try and imagine yourself in that prehistoric world and let the bare sensory experience of that world be your ultimate source of knowledge.


The first and most evident phenomena you would notice is the alarming alternation between night and day. It is light and warm during the day but colder and dark at night. There is a great bright ball in the sky which appears and disappears coinciding with the periods of light and dark. Daylight ends when the "thing" reaches a direction opposite to that from which it started. Like anything else you must give it a name and you call it the "Sun". Clearly, it is an object of the most immense power. It provides you with warmth and daylight and, in addition, is the brightest of all the objects which shine down from above. At night, you can notice that the situation is very different. The Sun is no longer visible, yet, there are numerous specks of light which illuminate the heavens. These you call stars, and they seem to appear in the same places night after night.


However, there are some stars that do not fit into these patterns because they never really stay still in the sky but continually weave and wander in and out among the rest. These stars seem to wander and have their own lives quite independent of the other stars that move around the sky together. Because of their very distinct motion, you refer to them as "the wanderers."  At night there is another body, seeming to take the place of the Sun, which appears regularly. Similar to the Sun it starts its journey from one side of the Earth and ends up on the other. It is most confusing because it continually changes its shape. Although it does not keep us warm, it does provide us light at night and seems to have a peculiar effect on the bodies of water which surround us. Again you must find a name for it, and you come up with the word "Moon."


As you and your contemporaries soon discovered, your most obvious need was for some sort of a calendar to guide your daily actions. It was the changing shape of the Moon which provided you with the most satisfactory answer, for the 29 1/2 day interval between one new moon and the next was neither too long nor too short. It was simple to remember and easy for counting long periods of time. The use of the Moon's phases as a calendar was extremely valuable for night expeditions for it told when to expect bright nights and when to expect dark ones. The earliest human civilizations relied on herding, farming, fishing, or hunting and were at the whim of the vagaries of nature. The creation of the calendar limited natural crop disasters for it taught man to plant at the most opportune time. The actual definition of the Sun and Moon and the creation of the calendar produced Man's first astrological knowledge. The door was opened and what was to follow can only be properly labeled wisdom.


If a person delves into the history of any of the great civilizations of mankind, he finds that almost all of the early writings reflect an uncritical belief in the influence of the stars and extra-celestial beings upon the behavior of mankind, the animal and plant kingdom. Just as all the prehistoric civilizations independently came to an acceptance of the idea of some order of Supreme Being, primitive man also came to remarkably similar beliefs regarding the influence of the heavenly bodies upon man. The first chapter of Genesis contains references to the zodiac, although the account is incomplete. Some astrological historians speculate that the zodiacal cycle may have been complete in the original Genesis, but that the various translators did not understand the significance and so were unable to properly turn the signs into their native tongues. When the Assyrian King Ashurbanipal (669-626 B.C.) came into power at Nineveh, he decided to add to the collection of the royal library. Some of his contributions were clay tablets which described the astrology of the ancient Babylonians, who in turn had borrowed the substance from their Sumerian invaders. A series of the clay tablets was attributed to Sargon I, King of Agade (3000 B.C.), who wrote what has been called The Day of Bel.


Recently, some clay tablets were unearthed near the site of Babylon which show that the Babylonians knew an astoundingly large amount of early astrology, dating as far back as perhaps to 8000 B.C. But it was not only in the primeval origins of the Tigris and Euphrates, the cradle of life, so to speak, that ancient evidence is found. All around the Mediterranean Sea, early artifacts show the existence of astrology. Even more mysterious is the fact that the ancient Chinese, Hindu, Mayan and Aztec cultures show extensive use of astrological signs and methods. This points up a most remarkable fact. If you met a reasonably intelligent man from the other side of the world, e.g. China - and you did not know a word of his language nor he one word of yours, - you both would have an immediate language through which you could relate to one another - the signs of the zodiac! The language of Astrology naturally transcends all spoken languages. It is truly the universal language of all mankind. One of the more ironic anthropological finds was the Mexican calendar stone, which was discovered early in Mexican history by a group of unknowing people who promptly re-buried it. It was not until centuries later that the stone was rediscovered. Its earlier finders did not understand the astrological significance of the stone's markings and they feared what they did not understand. Other theorists place the beginnings of astrology in such fabled placed as Atlantis and Lemuria. Although many poets and philosophers have talked of Atlantis and Lemuria (or "Mu," for short), there has never been any exact proof that they existed.


[To be Continued. Kindly Visit www.Astrointl.Blogspot.Com Daily For Further And Daily Study Material And To Read Latest Information On Astrology-Based On Latest Research And Technology. Thanks]


12,000 Visitors On www.AstroIntl.Blogspot.com From All Over the World. Daily Visit www.AstroIntl.BlogSpot.Com To Read Latest Information On Astrology-Based On Latest Research And Technology. May God Bless You With A Lot Of Prosperity And Pleasure. INTERNATIONAL ASTROLOGY NETWORK - A Network Of International Programs-Estd.1985-For Latest Information On Astrology-Based On Latest Research And Technology. Complete Analysis And Remedies Of Current Problems. Counseling Charges Rs.300 Only. Contact +91-186-2235088 [Between 3 PM-5 PM Only] For Details.


Surya Complex, Opp. Sukh Sadan Hospital, Dalhousie Road, Pathankot-145001-Punjab-India.

Telephones : Sms:0091-988-885-8077, Reception:0091-186-223-5088, Fax:0091-186-222-5077

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Monday, June 27, 2011

Study Of Astrology-Vol-11

Study Of Astrology-Vol-11


The term "prehistoric" is literally a misnomer. How can anyone possibly relate the history of something which existed before history itself? Nonetheless, we have to depend on "prehistoric history" to determine the origins of astrology. Like many other ancient studies, arts and crafts, astrology existed long before anyone sat down and recorded the thoughts of astrologers "for the record."


That astrology was one of the world's most ancient studies is shown by the astrological symbols which are the same today as on the ancient caves, tombs and pyramids. Mesopotamian tradition places the first primitive zodiac somewhere between 8000 and 6000 B.C.!! Not only is astrology a universal language today but a universal language connecting all races and all nations back through centuries of history.


Actually the story of man's quest for an understanding of the heavens begins long before the time records were written. There exists very little doubt that astrology is the father of all science. It is perfectly logical to assume that astrologers were the first wise men in even the most primitive of civilizations. Pinpointing the exact beginning of astrology is pure folly because as we have already said, it is perfectly feasible that astrology is older than man himself. Surely the conceptual method of astrology is as old as the universe itself and the evidences of it on life, as we know it must be as old as that life itself. When the Sun goes into total or partial eclipse, animals become restless and anxious; they seem very cognizant of some sort of imminent danger. The beautiful music of the birds ceases and apes leave their trees to band together for mutual protection. (This calls to light an amazing branch of astrology about which there has been very little published. We are presently conducting an in-depth investigation into astrology of creatures because we feel so strongly that the answers to the problems facing all species are inherent within the zodiac.)


[To be Continued. Kindly Visit www.Astrointl.Blogspot.Com Daily For Further And Daily Study Material And To Read Latest Information On Astrology-Based On Latest Research And Technology. Thanks]


12,000 Visitors On www.AstroIntl.Blogspot.com From All Over the World. Daily Visit www.AstroIntl.BlogSpot.Com To Read Latest Information On Astrology-Based On Latest Research And Technology. May God Bless You With A Lot Of Prosperity And Pleasure. INTERNATIONAL ASTROLOGY NETWORK - A Network Of International Programs-Estd.1985-For Latest Information On Astrology-Based On Latest Research And Technology. Complete Analysis And Remedies Of Current Problems. Counseling Charges Rs.300 Only. Contact +91-186-2235088 [Between 3 PM-5 PM Only] For Details.


Surya Complex, Opp. Sukh Sadan Hospital, Dalhousie Road, Pathankot-145001-Punjab-India.

Telephones : Sms:0091-988-885-8077, Reception:0091-186-223-5088, Fax:0091-186-222-5077

Email : InternationalAstroNetwork@Gmail.Com

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Friday, June 24, 2011

Forthcoming Events-Festivals-26-30-June-2011

Forthcoming Events-Festivals-26-30-June-2011

Forthcoming Events-Festivals-26-30-June-2011




Aswini till 17:03, Atiganda yoga till 9:56,


Moonrise at 2:07*, Moonset at 15:02, Moon in Ar (whole day)


RahuK: 15:57 - 17:27, GulikaK: 14:27 - 15:57, YamaG: 11:27 - 12:57,


Sunday, Krishna Dasami till 10:59,


Sunrise at 5:27, Sunset at 19:34,


Varjya: 12:37 - 14:24, 18:49 - 20:34, Durmuhurta: 17:41 - 18:37,


Vishti karana till 10:59, Bava karana till 23:56,


आषाढ़-कृष्ण -दशमी (10)


नशा निरोधक दि., कबीर .


Balava karana till 12:47, Kaulava karana till 1:30*,


Bharani till 19:21, Sukarman yoga till 10:26,


Durmuhurta: 12:02 - 12:59, 15:48 - 16:44,


Monday, Krishna Ekadasi till 12:47,


Moonrise at 2:43*, Moonset at 15:58, Moon in Ar till 1:51*


RahuK: 6:57 - 8:27, GulikaK: 12:57 - 14:27, YamaG: 9:57 - 11:27,


Sunrise at 5:27, Sunset at 19:34,


आषाढ़ -कृष्ण -एकादशी (11)


मधुमेह दि


योगिनी एकादशी


योगिनी एकादशी व्रत, देवरहा बाबा समाधि दिवस, मधुमेह जागृति दिवस


Krittika till 21:09, Dhriti yoga till 10:33,


Moonrise at 3:25*, Moonset at 16:56, Moon in Ta (whole day)


RahuK: 14:27 - 15:58, GulikaK: 11:27 - 12:57, YamaG: 8:27 - 9:57,


Sunrise at 5:27, Sunset at 19:34,


Taitula karana till 14:04, Garija karana till 2:30*,


Tuesday, Krishna Dwadasi till 14:04,


Varjya: 8:15 - 9:59, Durmuhurta: 8:17 - 9:13, 14:52 - 15:48,


आषाढ़ -कृष्ण -द्वादशी (12)


प्रदोष व्रत


भौम-प्रदोष व्रत, व्यतिपात महापात रात्रि 10.44 बजे से


Moonrise at 4:13*, Moonset at 17:54, Moon in Ta (whole day)


RahuK: 11:28 - 12:58, GulikaK: 9:58 - 11:28, YamaG: 6:58 - 8:28,


Rohini till 22:21, Soola yoga till 10:14,


Sunrise at 5:28, Sunset at 19:34,


Vanija karana till 14:47, Vishti karana till 2:55*,


Varjya: 13:57 - 15:38, 4:06* - 5:45*, Durmuhurta: 12:03 - 12:59,


Wednesday, Krishna Trayodasi till 14:47,


आषाढ़ -कृष्ण -त्रयोदशी (13)


मासिक शिवरात्रि व्रत, व्यतिपात महापात रात्रि 11.21 बजे तक, सौराठ ससौला वैवाहिक सभा समाप्त, रोहिणी व्रत (जैन)


शिव चतुर्दशी


Moonrise at 5:07*, Moonset at 18:51, Moon in Ta till 10:44


Mrigasira till 22:58, Ganda yoga till 9:26,


RahuK: 12:58 - 14:28, GulikaK: 8:28 - 9:58, YamaG: 5:28 - 6:58,


Sakuna karana till 14:53, Chatushpada karana till 2:43*,


Sunrise at 5:28, Sunset at 19:34,


Thursday, Krishna Chaturdasi till 14:53,


Varjya: 4:06 - 5:45, Durmuhurta: 15:48 - 16:45, 16:45 - 17:41,


आषाढ़ -कृष्ण -चतुर्दशी (14)


श्राद्ध की अमावस्या, पाक्षिक प्रतिक्रमण (श्वेत.जैन), शब--मिराज (मुस.)

[Kindly Visit www.Astrointl.Blogspot.Com Daily To Read Latest Information On Astrology-Based On Latest Research And Technology. Thanks]

12,000 Visitors Today On www.AstroIntl.Blogspot.com From All Over the World. Daily Visit www.AstroIntl.BlogSpot.Com To Read Latest Information On Astrology-Based On Latest Research And Technology. May God Bless You With A Lot Of Prosperity And Pleasure. INTERNATIONAL ASTROLOGY NETWORK - A Network Of International Programs-Estd.1985-For Latest Information On Astrology-Based On Latest Research And Technology. Complete Analysis And Remedies Of Current Problems. Counseling Charges Rs.300 Only. Contact +91-186-2235088 [Between 3 PM-5 PM Only] For Details.


Surya Complex, Opp. Sukh Sadan Hospital, Dalhousie Road, Pathankot-145001-Punjab-India.

Telephones : Sms:0091-988-885-8077, Reception:0091-186-223-5088, Fax:0091-186-222-5077

Email : InternationalAstroNetwork@Gmail.Com

Facebook : Www.Facebook.Com/AstroNetwork

Blogspot : Www.AstroIntl.BlogSpot.Com



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ADDRESS: INTERNATIONAL ASTROLOGY NETWORK, Surya Complex, Opp. Sukh Sadan Hospital, Dalhousie Road, Pathankot-145001-Punjab-India. Telephones : Reception:0091-186-223-5088, 0091-186-2229088, Sms:0091-988-885-8077, Fax:0091-186-222-5077