
Spiritual Counselling

Sunday, November 21, 2010


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Friday, November 19, 2010






Translate literally, Feng means wind and Shui means water. Therefore, you can call it the "wind and water". The wind and water are the stuff that flows and observed by the ancient. Fengshui (Feng Shui) is a description about how the "chi", the energy of the life force, flows around us and influences our lives. The practice of "Fengshui (Feng Shui)" is to achieve the optimum balance and harmony through the location and orientation of the living environment. The most important word is Fengshui (Feng Shui) is 'balance'. You need to balance the Yin and Yang and balance the five elements. For specific environment, the shape of the land and the house are very important. The ideal house will be embraced by its environment and free from natural damages. For individuals, it is the time you born and how you act in life. Two major elements work together in Fengshui (Feng Shui). The with-birth part: where and when you where born. There is not much we can do about it. The after-birth part: where and how do you live? Fengshui (Feng Shui) is being excised on this part most




The history of Fengshui (Feng Shui) is a very old story. Fengshui (Feng Shui), as a practical philosophy, exists before the Chinese learn to write (Gee that must be a long time ago). The ancient wise people used the most original and basic binary form of "Yin" and "Yang" to reason the events of the world around them. The palaces and tombs of the royal families built in Tang dynasty and all the following dynasties strictly followed the prescription of the Fengshui (Feng Shui) requirement. When the Buddhism reached China, it soon absorbed the Fengshui (Feng Shui) principles and combined in its own practices. The historical Buddhism temples, most locate at famous mountains in China, are all build with the idea of Fengshui (Feng Shui) in mind. The practice of Fengshui (Feng Shui) was severely undermined in China since the 20th century. With the invasion of the European countries, Chinese intellectuals begin to question their heritage. Under the banner of 'learn from the west', Fengshui (Feng Shui) is regarded as a superstition by many.


Main Basic Tips Of Feng Shui


1.  If you eat too much meat, then your body, when it sweats tends to give off a bad odor. A bad body odor is not good Fengshui as you create "shar chi" around you rather than "sheng chi". So, eat less meat and more vegetables.

2.  If you live on a landed property, the water found in the drains should ideally flow from the front to the back.

3.  If you have glass partitions in your homes, cover it with wood or plastic green rounded leaves so that the glasses are not sharp and cutting into the spaces around you.

4.  Do not keep dry flowers in your house. Dry Flowers are past prosperity and give rise to shar chi (negative energy).

5.  Cactus are plants which should not be placed in offices as their leaves are small and thorny and give rise to quarrels if placed on your office tables.

6.  It is good to cleanse your office or house using sandalwood incense at least once a month. This is to clean away any shar chi (negative energy) left behind.

7.  Do not put brief cases in between your legs.

8.  If you loose something important like a diamond ring, do not worry, or feel sad as something great will be coming on the way.

9.  Do not place a standing fan or any object next to your wealth area where you had placed the fish tank or water fountain.

10.Do not have shoes, slippers outside your main door. The wind when it blows will carry the smell of shoes to the inside part of your house and this is bad Feng Shui.


Prosperity Through Mirror:

Mirror means a shining surface, through which light can be reflected back, like looking glass, polished metal plate or surface or shining floor etc. Many problems can be solved through mirror.


Tips To Use Mirror


1. Favorable directions can be increased and unfavorable directions can be decreased through mirror. In favorable directions, mirror should be fixed looking inwards whereas in unfavorable directions, mirror should be fixed facing outwards.

2. Marble and granite floor also act like a mirror. It should be kept open in northeast whereas it should be covered in other directions.

3. Mirror inside the room door should not be fixed unless the door is in northeast

4. There should be no mirrors on the walls of south, west, and southeast, northwest, southwest. If there is any mirror in these directions, either they should be removed or covered.

5. Mirrors should always be properly fixed in a good frame to create proper "chi", the energy of the life force

6. Never keep any type of cracked glass or mirror in your house. Throw them immediately

7. Pakua mirror is specifically used in Feng Shui to minimize negative and unfavorable energy



Wednesday, November 17, 2010

|| Indian Religious Symbols ||

||  Indian Religious Symbols  ||


India is truly a picturesque country. Homes, shrines, gardens, even vehicles, are decorated with colorful motifs. These are usually drawings of lotuses, crescent moons, crucifixes, lucky numbers, trees, flowers and birds, painted in bright colors on every available surface. In homes and places of worship particularly, graphic designs acquire great importance. Specific symbols of the many different religions which co-exist in India are used prolifically while praying for good fortune, to worship divinity or to seek blessings during sacraments. In this mosaic of symbols, each has an interesting legend. Each proves that Indians have the rare ability to live simultaneously in several centuries. In their religious celebrations and traditions there is, amazingly, an unbroken cultural continuity of thousands of years.


Hinduism During the Vedic era, when the Aryans came to the plains of India, they complied the four Vedas or great books of knowledge. A number of religious symbols sprang from the Vedic concept of the universe and the divine energy which rules it. Some figures were used as a focus of meditation. Others were used in ritual worship and sacraments. Yet others lent an artistic flavor to festivals and temple worship.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

|| Auspicious Signs -Vol-2 ||

|| Auspicious Signs ||



|| Laxmi's Footprints: Auspicious Presence ||


Stop across the doorway from any mud-walled, thatched village hut in India and you see tiny, delicately drawn female footprints on walls and thresholds. These stylized foot prints drawn in white and vermilion are an ancient graphic design depicting Laxmi, the goddess of luster and good fortune. Particularly on festive days, women draw these small, auspicious footprints on thresholds at twilight to welcome Laxmi, who bestows wealth and wisdom, health and good cheer.


A new daughter-in-law, entering her matrimonial home, is welcomed with Laxmi's footprints drawn over the door. This symbol of the footprint is used during all sacraments which concern women. Particularly during her Segment, a pregnant woman walks over Kumkum or vermilion powder and leaves her footprints around the house as she walks on that auspicious day. It is a practice in many communities for the husband to give her gifts in return for these footprints which promise fortune and long life to the coming child


|| Purna Kumbh: Living A Full Life ||


Throughout history, man has passionately yearned to conquer death and the slow but sure degeneration of his strength and power


Similar to the mythologies of many other countries, India's ancient literature also contains myths about sages and wise men who spent years in harsh penance and solitary meditation to master the secrets of immortality. Many Himalayan herbs were said to possess the magical quality of reviving a dead person. Epics like the Ramayana or the Mahabharata contain stories about the use of Sanjeevani, a herb of great life-reviving qualities. While physical immortality and everlasting youth remained only a mythical dream, Indian thinkers contemplated a great deal about life and how to make it a complete experience. They sought, through wisdom, experience and the concentration of all mental and spiritual energy, to add certain richness to life, a wholeness which would take human beings closet to the dream of immortality. This concept of fullness, of total self contentment, has been symbolized in Indian thought and art by the graphic figure of the Poorna Kumbh or the full pot. According to mythology, the gods, wanting to find the nectar of everlasting life, churned the cosmic ocean and obtained from its rising waves the kumbh or pot of nectar. The pot contained within its rotund shape the fullness and the richness of life. Bitter wars followed for its possession but none could gain the nectar completely.


The pot, however, became a symbol, and is even today used widely in religious rituals. When entering a new home, an Indian family ceremonially carries the kumbh decorated with mango leaves and a coconut. In weddings and death ceremonies, the full pot features constantly as a reminder of the human desire to achieve completeness in life. A pot filled with the water of the sacred river Ganga is often worshipped in household shrines. Such a pot of water is associated with fluidity and life-giving energy. Often the pot is decorated with a swastika, the symbol of the sun's energy.


Quite naturally, the kumbh has become the theme of several magnificent festivals held in India around the time Jupiter transits through Aquarius once in every 12 years. Millions of enthusiastic bathers gather in Hardwar and Allahabad near the sacred Ganga and in Nasik and Ujjain on the banks of the Godavari and the Kshipra, for their ritual drenching, making these festivals the greatest assembles of bathers in the world

|| Auspicious Signs -Vol-1 ||

||  Auspicious Signs   ||


||  Om: Cosmic Creation ||


The Foremost among them is the sacred Om. It is believed to be the visual depiction of cosmic sound, from which all matter and space originates. In its monosyllabic sound, it contains the Brahman or the entire universe and its energy. So fundamental is Om to Hindu culture, that it is the first shape that every child draws as he begins his education. It is also the first chant of the priest as he invokes the gods in prayer. This motif can be seen on doorways, temples, account books, religious texts, the cradles of the newborn and on ceremonial clothes, in a variety of colors and with many embellishments.


||  Swastika: Symbol Of The Sun God  ||


The early Aryans looked upon the sun as the source of energy and life. They created a golden-limbed deity - Surya, the sun god - who rides a golden chariot drawn by seven horses. They raised many exquisitely sculpted temples to venerate him. A special graphic symbol was visualized to represent the sun's energy and munificence - the swastika. Hindus draw the swastika in vermilion on business documents and bridal clothes for luck. They paint it on the walls and thresholds of homes to energize the environment. Naturally linked with the glitter of gold, the swastika is worn as a locket hung on a gold chain - a talisman to ward off darkness, despair and danger. The word swastika means 'all-well'. Its short form swasti is commonly used in all sacraments and ceremonial chants. The shape of this symbol was created to point our the four cardinal directions in which fire sticks were placed to begin Vedic sacrificial fires. An ancient symbol, it was found in civilizations such as the Greek, Egyptian and Chinese. Used in snake worship, it is supposedly seen on the hoods of cobras. The auspicious Swastika is always dedicated to the springtime sun.


||  The Third Eye: Font Of Perception  ||


An Indian symbol that often baffles many in the West is the third eye. A number of Hindu deities, particularly Shiva, the destroyer and cosmic dancer, and his wife Durga, are portrayed in iconography as having a third eye in the centre of the forehead. In fact, this is merely a symbol representing the capacity of human consciousness to see beyond the obvious to perceive beyond the outwardly visible and tangible; to reach that inner source of life which is the font of divine energy and power. This symbolism says that all human beings who use their discriminative powers, can, in the silence of their inner selves, seek the sanctuary of truth and purity. Despite this deep metaphysical meaning, the symbol of the third eye is often mistake as the power of destroys.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Events-16-20- November-2010




Rahu Kalam: 16:02 - 17:32, GulikaK: 13:02 - 14:32, YamaG: 10:02 - 11:32,


Tuesday, Sukla Dasami till 16:23,


आशा दशमी, कंस-वध लीला [मथुरा], वृश्चिक-संक्रान्ति सायं 5.18 बजे, पुण्यकाल प्रात: 10.54 से सूर्यास्त तक, संकल्प में प्रयोजनीय हेमन्त ऋतु प्रारंभ, हज [मुस.]


National Press Day


Pharmacy Week - 16-22


Sunrise at 7:02*, Sunset at 17:23,


Garija karana till 16:23, Vanija karana till 5:32*,


Poorvabhadra till 23:09, Harshana yoga till 4:51*,


Moonrise at 14:27, Moonset at 2:40*, Moon In Aquarius till 16:27


Wednesday, Sukla Ekadasi till 18:37,


Uttarabhadra till 1:45*, Vajra yoga till 5:21*,




श्रीहरि-प्रबोधिनी एकादशी व्रत, देवोत्थान उत्सव, ईखरस-प्राशन, विष्णुत्रिरात्र पूर्ण, तुलसी-विवाहोत्सव प्रारंभ, भीष्मपंचक प्रारंभ, संत नामदेव जयंती, सोनपुर मेला शुरू [बिहार], लाला लाजपतराय बलिदान दिवस, कालीदास जयंती, चातुर्मास व्रत-नियम पूर्ण, बकरीद [मुस.]


Bhisham Panchak Start


Chatur Masa Vart End


Id Ul Juha - Bakar Id


देवउठनी ग्यारस, बकरा ईद, तुलसी विवाह, लाला लाजपत राय दि., सौर मास अग. प्रा., नामदेव ., कालीदास .


Rahu Kalam: 13:03 - 14:33, GulikaK: 11:32 - 13:03, YamaG: 8:32 - 10:02,


Sunrise at 7:03*, Sunset at 17:22,


Moonrise at 14:56, Moonset at 3:34*, Moon In Pisces [whole day]


National Day For The Deaf


Vishti karana till 18:37,


Dev Probodhini Ekadashi


Moonrise at 15:25, Moonset at 4:30*, Moon In Pisces till 3:57*


दामोदर द्वादशी, श्यामबाबा द्वादशी, गरुड द्वादशी [उडीसा], मेला खाटूयाम [राज.], तुलसी विवाह, मत्स्य द्वादशी


Sunrise at 7:04*, Sunset at 17:22,


Thursday, Sukla Dwadasi till 20:27,


Revati till 3:57*, Siddhi yoga till 5:30*,


Rahu Kalam: 14:33 - 16:04, GulikaK: 10:03 - 11:33, YamaG: 7:03 - 8:33,


पंचक समाप्त [रात्रि 3.57]


Tulsi Vivah


Bava karana till 7:35, Balava karana till 20:27,


World Heritage Week - 19-25


प्रदोष व्रत, श्रीराधावल्लभ-पाटोत्सव [वृन्दावन], वैकुण्ठ चतुर्दशी व्रत, निशीथकाल में महाविष्णु-पूजा, रात्रि के अंतिम प्रहर में अरुणोदय के समय मणिकर्णिका स्नान [काशी], हरि-हर मिलन [उज्जयिनी], रानी लक्ष्मीबाई जयंती एवं इंदिरा गाँधी जन्मदिवस, स्वामी अखण्डानं


National Integration Day


Rahu Kalam: 11:34 - 13:04, GulikaK: 8:34 - 10:04, YamaG: 16:04 - 17:35,


Vaikunth Chaturdashi


प्रदोष व्रत, इंदिरा गाँधी, रानी लक्ष्मीबाई .


Moonrise at 15:57, Moonset at 5:27*, Moon In Aries [whole day]


Sunrise at 7:05*, Sunset at 17:21,


Indira Gandhi Jayanti-1917


Friday, Sukla Trayodasi till 21:47,


Aswini till 5:40*, Vyatipata yoga till 5:17*,


Kaulava karana till 9:11, Taitula karana till 21:47,




वैकुंठ चतुर्दशी व्रत


Saturday, Sukla Chaturdasi till 22:37,


Moonrise at 16:31, Moonset at 6:27*, Moon In Aries [whole day]


वैकुण्ठ चतुर्दशी, श्रीकाशीविश्वनाथ-प्रतिष्ठा दिवस [वाराणसी], सिद्धवट यात्रा [उज्जयिनी], नर्मदेश्वर को तुलसी-समर्पण, चौमासी चौदस [जैन]


Garija karana till 10:16, Vanija karana till 22:37,


Sunrise at 7:06*, Sunset at 17:21,


Rahu Kalam: 10:05 - 11:35, GulikaK: 7:05 - 8:35, YamaG: 14:35 - 16:05,


Bharani till 6:54*, Variyan yoga till 4:41*,


My photo
ADDRESS: INTERNATIONAL ASTROLOGY NETWORK, Surya Complex, Opp. Sukh Sadan Hospital, Dalhousie Road, Pathankot-145001-Punjab-India. Telephones : Reception:0091-186-223-5088, 0091-186-2229088, Sms:0091-988-885-8077, Fax:0091-186-222-5077